,d vkSj ?kVuk ?kVh Fkh& ,dfnu iwNjh xk¡o esa ,d Hk.Mkjk gqvk FkkA nks O;fDr;ksa us tks fd gfjtu pksj Fks] dqN iw;s rFkk nf{k.kk ds #i;s feyus dh vk'kk esa if.Mr ckck dh xqQk esa geyk fd;kA dqN Hkh u ikdj ckck ds flj ij ykBh ls izgkj dj fn;k ygw yqgku gkyr esa ns[kdj mueas ls ,d pksj Åuh diM+s ls flj ij iêh ck¡èkdj pyk x;kA

Radhe Radhe These all saints are currently living in Bhagwat Niwas Vrindavan and doing bhajan with full proper procedure following written in ancient books by our Gaudiya Goswamis and Gaudiya Saints. They are very strict with their policies and system of bhawat niwas which was managed by earlier appx 200 years ago by Shri Kripa Sindhu Das baba. Mahant Shri Shukh Dev baba is currently the incharge of this place and taking care of all the things of Bhagwat Niwas Vrindavan. Bhagwat Niwas is an sacred place and where saints use to say that living in vrindavan and upon the if in vrindavan you are living in bhagwat niwas then your bhajan will automatically grow. This place is a holy proved place where Shri Pandit Baba ji Maharaj also know as Bade Baba lived and his very near n dear Disciple Shri Kripa Sindhu Das baba also known as 'bachchi' lived and build this place for the future saints so in future saints can live here and do the bhajan with full procedure.